Farmington Youth Lacrosse Inc. Bylaws

Bylaws of Farmington Youth Lacrosse Inc.

Article I: Name and Purpose

1.1 Legal Status. This organization shall be incorporated as a nonstock corporation under the laws of the State of Connecticut. 

1.2 Name and Principal Office. The organization shall be known as Farmington Youth Lacrosse Inc. (the “Club”). The Club’s principal office shall be located in Farmington, Connecticut or such other place in the State of Connecticut as the Board of Directors may determine.

1.3 Purpose. The purpose of the Club is to provide greater opportunity for the education, enrichment, and entertainment of Farmington youth through participation in the sport of lacrosse. The Club may engage in any lawful act or activity reasonably related to the foregoing and for which a corporation may be organized under the Revised Nonstock Corporation Act of the State of Connecticut (the “Act”).

1.4 Goal. The goal of the Club is to provide boys and girls youth lacrosse players an environment that teaches skills, builds character, encourages and values team play, demands respect and promotes good sportsmanship, regardless of ability.

Article II: Membership & Membership Annual Meeting

2.1 Membership classes. Any adult in support of the purpose of the Club, and who agrees to abide by these bylaws, is eligible for membership. There are two classes of membership: a.) Parent Members who are the parent or legal guardian of a child registered to play with the Club for the regular spring season of lacrosse in the current or prior fiscal year of the Club, and; b.) Community Members who may be current or former coaches, parents of children formerly registered as players with the Club, or other individuals interested in the development of youth through lacrosse in Farmington.

2.2 Voting privileges. To be eligible to vote at the annual meeting an individual must be a Parent Member at the time the vote is cast. Community Members are not eligible to vote. No cumulative voting is allowed. Members must be present to vote, no proxy voting is allowed.

2.3 Annual Membership Meeting. The Board of Directors shall organize and set the agenda for an annual meeting of the membership for the purpose of electing the Board, and any other matter set on the agenda by the President. This meeting shall be held during the month of September.  The Board may call additional meetings of the Members at its sole discretion.

2.4 Member Behavior. Abusive, profane, or violent behavior or language by coaches, parents, players, or fans or violation of the USA Lacrosse Code of Conduct at any Club practice, game or function, may result in Member suspension or expulsion from the Club. Suspension or expulsion punishments shall be decided by a majority vote of the Board.

Article III: Board of Directors

3.1 General Powers. The Board of Directors (the “Board”) shall make all decisions for the Club, including the adoption of an annual budget for the Club.

3.2 Membership of the Board. The Board shall consist of five individuals who are either Parent or Community Members of the Club. Two people from the same household may not be concurrent Board members. At least two members of the Board must be affiliated with the boys youth lacrosse program and at least two members of the Board must be affiliated with the girls youth lacrosse program. An affiliation is defined as a current or prior Parent Member or coach of the associated group. The number of Board members may be fixed, changed and reestablished from time to time by an amendment to these bylaws.

3.3 Board Duties. The Board shall set policy for the organization. Any expenditure in excess of $5,000 must be approved by the Board.

3.4 Board Meetings. The Board shall hold an annual meeting of the Board within 21 days of the election of the Board at the annual membership meeting. This annual Board meeting shall serve as the organizational meeting of the Board where Board officers are elected. This meeting is the only meeting where a quorum of directors must appear physically rather than by other means. A quorum for all meetings shall consist of a majority of the Board members then serving. Meetings may be adjourned for lack of a quorum until such time as a quorum is present. When a quorum is present, except as otherwise stated in these bylaws, the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Board members present and voting shall be deemed the approval of the Board for all questions arising.

In addition, the Board may hold any special meetings the Board deems necessary. The Board may conduct any special meeting or other business of the Board through by telephone, polling, e-mail, or other means not requiring their physical presence. The President may convene the Board in closed session in instances where matters concerning individual Members, registered players, or coaches are being addressed.

3.5 Election and Terms of Board Members. Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected at each annual membership meeting. Board members shall be elected for two year terms that begin on October 1st and end on September 30th. Terms will be staggered such that either 2 or 3 directors will remain on the Board each year.   

3.6 Vacancy of Board Members. If a member of the Board of Directors is no longer available to serve for any reason, until the regular election of Board members at the next annual membership meeting, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Board of Directors. 

3.7 Nominations for Board Members. Any Parent Member may nominate a candidate for the Board of Directors. Nominations, including self-nominations, are requested to be submitted to the President two days in advance of the annual membership meeting. Additional nominations are acceptable from the floor at the annual meeting.

3.8 Removal of Directors. A member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office if they resign, fail to appear for meetings and respond to communications from the officers or Board for a period of three consecutive months, or violations of the Code of Conduct. Board Members shall be removed from office by a majority vote of the remaining Board Members. 

3.9 Coaches. The Board of the Club shall appoint coaches for each team. All coaches shall be under the direct supervision of the Board. Coaches shall be responsible for running their respective teams, shall organize and be present for practice sessions and supervise their team at all games. The coach is responsible for ensuring each player the opportunity to receive equitable playing time as described in the program information. The coach shall inform members of their team of all team functions and will be responsible for organizing communications among the team and parents. Each coach shall read and adhere to the USA Lacrosse “Code of Conduct” and any Code of Conduct established by the Club. Each coach is specifically responsible for conduct of their players on and off the field, during practice and the game. Also, the coach should make a reasonable effort to maintain order among spectators.

Article IV: Officers

4.1 Officers. Officers of the organization shall consist of a President, a Boys Director, a Girls Director, a Secretary, and a Treasurer who shall be elected by the Board of Directors from the Members of the Board or the Club at each annual meeting of the Board after the annual membership meeting. The Board may choose to have separate officers serve as President, Boys Director, and Girls Director, or have the Officer that serves as President also act as one of the two Directors. The Officers shall serve until the subsequent annual meeting of the Board held the following year.

4.2 President. The President shall call all meetings of the membership and the Board and shall set the agenda for those meetings. The President shall also have primary responsibility for operating the daily business of the organization according to the policies adopted by the Board. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees. The President shall have the authority to sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer. The President shall appoint the chairperson for all committees, which may include, but not be limited to: Equipment, Fundraising, Communication, Fields, Referees, and Coach and Player development.

4.3 Boys Director. The Boys Director shall have the primary responsibility for operating decisions related to league, uniforms, equipment, field use, referees, and coach and player development related to the boys youth lacrosse program. The Boys Director shall read and adhere to the USA Lacrosse “Code of Conduct” and any Code of Conduct established by the Club. The Boys Director is responsible for handling any concerns regarding athlete playing time and any unresolved concerns regarding playing time will be escalated to the Board for review. The Boys Director shall have all the authority, power, and duties of the President whenever the President is absent, or for any cause is unable to perform the President’s duties.

4.4 Girls Director. The Girls Director shall have the primary responsibility for operating decisions related to league, uniforms, equipment, field use, referees, and coach and player development related to the girls youth lacrosse program. The Girls Director shall read and adhere to the USA Lacrosse “Code of Conduct” and any Code of Conduct established by the Club. The Boys Director is responsible for handling any concerns regarding athlete playing time and any unresolved concerns regarding playing time will be escalated to the Board for review. The Girls Director shall have all the authority, power, and duties of the President whenever the President is absent, or for any cause is unable to perform the President’s duties.

4.5 Secretary. The Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings of the membership as well as the Board and make them available to the membership on a timely basis by posting them on the organization website or other means deemed appropriate. The Secretary shall also handle all correspondence, maintain the records of the Club, and cause all paperwork required to maintain the Club as a nonstock corporation in good standing.

4.6 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect all dues and other monies, deposit all funds in an appropriate account, pay all bills, maintain records of all transactions and shall make an annual financial report available to membership on an annual basis and to the Board as requested. For any bill or expenditure in excess of $500, the Treasurer must obtain the approval of another Club officer prior to payment. The Treasurer is also responsible for any required tax filings and to insure that the organization conducts business in compliance.

4.7 Additional Officers and Committees. The Board shall name any additional committee members from among the Board or the full membership of the Club as the Board deems fit for the efficient operation of the organization.

4.8 Removal of Officers. Any officer may be removed from office for cause by a majority vote of the Board. If the membership seeks to remove an officer, the procedures outlined for removal of directors as stated in Section 3.8 must be followed.

4.9 Removal of Committees and Committee Members. Committees and members serve at the pleasure of the Board.

Article V: Meetings

5.1 Notice of Meetings. The Secretary shall provide notice of the annual meetings of the Membership and the regular meetings of the Board at least five days in advance. Where possible notice of any special meetings of the Board or membership shall be at least two days in advance; however, if such notice would prove inconvenient or delay timely resolution of Club business, notice may be provided as late as the day of the meeting. While other methods the Board deems appropriate may also be used, providing notice on the Club website shall be considered sufficient notice of any meeting.

Article VI: Fiscal Year

6.1 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the organization shall be July 1 to June 30.

Article VII: Indemnification of Directors, Officers, Employees and Agents

7.1 Indemnification. The Club shall indemnify and reimburse any director, officer or employee of the Club and any such person’s respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, to the fullest extent required or permitted by the Act, including any amendments to or substitutions for the applicable sections of such act which may be made from time to time.

7.2 Directors and Officers Insurance. The Club shall maintain directors and officers insurance at all times.

7.3 USA Lacrosse Membership Requirement Farmington Youth Lacrosse requires every player and coach who participates in the organization’s activities to be a current USA Lacrosse member and that their membership will be effective for the entire season.

Article VIII: Amendments

8.1 Amendments. These bylaws may be altered, amended, or replaced and new bylaws may be adopted by both a 3/4 majority of both the Members present at a membership meeting and a 3/4 majority of the Board members then serving.

Article IX: Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the Club in accordance with state law, the net assets of the Club shall be distributed in accordance with the plan of dissolution and distribution of assets adopted by the Board and Membership.

Version/Revision Date June 6 2024

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